Hi Family!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Posted by Utahna at 9:12 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
(With paychecks come pictures! :))
Our 1st night there in North Dakota.
Amber and Michael are just loving, finally, being with each other!!
and went to the water park! Tons of fun!!
They fell asleep in the car.
Sunday, after church. (I'm sorry Crys, I couldn't figure out how to flip it,
but you look cute sideways too.) Bottom - Amber is getting my nose. She likes me. :)
Dori and Michael
Posted by Dori and Dan at 10:54 AM 3 comments
Okay, apparently it's been to long since I really posted, because my finger hit the enter key before I got to put anything. SORRY!!!
Anyways, I took some pictures of some of the projects we had going on towards the end of the school year. I know kind of lame, but I took them with a blog posting in mind. HE! HE! :o)This was the Garden box we build for our "Garden". Like always, it was a learning experience. This was the first real garden we tried since living here in Az. We will do some tweaking before next season. Elijah was very excited to pick our 1st Zucchini.
We finally got the trampoline in the ground. It makes it much easier for everyone to get on and off. Plus the HOA doesn't see it, so they can't complain. FYI - the grass is much greener now. The poor grass took a beating during the whole process. I fertilized and reseeded, so it looks much better. I'll have to take another picture.
I bought this 3 ring binder to hold all my "Special Cards", I've been saving over the years. I like to read them periodically and it makes me feel loved. Thank you to each of you, because I have something in there from all of you. Maybe not everyone you've sent, but several of them. :)
After Utahna told me about not drinking the water left in your water bottles that were left in your car. I figured, here in Az., the garage might not be such a great idea either. Especially in the summer time. So I moved some things around in the playroom closet and stacked 3 months worth (for our family). If you watch for the sales, you can often get a case of 24 water bottles between $2.50 - $3.99. Costco is also a great place to get them. Our stake has encouraged us to have "portable" water. (5 gal. jugs can work too.)
This was my project for the playroom. I build this long table to maximize the space. This way we are able to put toy bins or what have you on the ground, and still have a place for them to play on top. Plus it seems to be the perfect height for them.
Here are a few of the projects that helped to keep me busy, since I get so-o-o-o bored with no-th-ing to do. LOL! But honestly, I love doing projects, it helps me to feel a sense of accomplishment. Some how counting the number of diapers I've changed or disputes I've refereed doesn't really do it for me. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE MY JOB AS A MOM!!! But I have to have some hobbies too. Apparently, projects are my thing. :)
Love you! Can't wait to see you all soon!
Posted by Dori and Dan at 9:37 AM 3 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A blog from Nick...
Hi family,
Since Nick can't get on any of the blogs while he's deployed, I'm gonna post one from him. These pictures are from the Internet; since he can't take pictures while he's deployed. But they're of places he's flown over recently that he REALLY LIKED and was telling me all about this past week. It's Dubai (that's the place I was telling you, Mom and Garry, about and couldn't remember the name). It's a group of man made islands that they are building that is a visual replica of the worlds continents. As you can see! The islands are going to be filled with resorts you can travel to and some are for sell to be used as private islands. Nick jokingly said, he put an offer on a few and is waiting to hear back from the real estate agent. Yeah...like that'll ever happen! He did say that he would love to take us there on a vacation sometime when they are finished. The other picture is of a skyscraper on one of the islands that is going to be condos. Crazy how some people live, huh?! As for me, especially right now, I'd like to stay living in America. But who knows if that's going to happen. You never know...we might be stationed somewhere in Europe or Asia next. Anyway, I found these online and thought they looked amazing and wanted to share them with you. Nick said they look so awesome in person. Almost surreal. But, I hope everyone had a great Fathers' Day and good weekend on top of that. Love you all and look forward to the coming month. Hehe...sooo close! :)
Love, Crys
Posted by Crys at 9:06 PM 3 comments
Happy Fathers' Day!!!
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Fathers' Day!!! We love you and can't wait to see you all in about 3 weeks. Woohoo!!!
Posted by Crys at 8:12 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Posted by Dori and Dan at 11:03 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Amber pullin herself up on me :)
A few pictures of Amber pulling herself up on me and some of her standing. She's trying to stand at 7 months...tell me that's not normal?!
Posted by Crys at 12:43 PM 3 comments
Things I'm grateful for:
Hello family,
So...with recent events of this week, I figured I needed to take a few moments to be happy and grateful! So, here's my list:
1. This morning I woke up to a call from Nick!!! Yay...good morning to me!
2. Amber and I are safe from the tornado that came through Grand Forks county.
3. The boys are safe and were AMAZING during the tornado.
(They were quiet and protective. When Amber tried to crawl out of the hall we were
taking shelter in, Jake stood in her way and would not let her leave the hall! He knew...)
4. Nick is safe and in an area where they are friendly to Americans. They are grateful
we're there to help!
5. We have food and food storage. Thank you Dori for ALWAYS encouraging me to be
6. All of my sisters are alive and safe!
7. My Mom and step-dad are safe and doing things they need to do to improve their
8. Utahna was smart and strong enough to catch the cancer at an early stage and is taking
necessary, although hard, steps to insure she will be with us for a long time. She is an
amazing woman who is so intelligent, feminine, optimistic and loving to others.
9. Cheryl is compassionate, sensitive, loving, strong, willing, independent and amazing. I
10. Dori's strength gives me hope. Her willingness to obey inspires me to be a better
person in life and the life to come. Her unwaivering love for her children is amazing!
She has such an ability to make me laugh. I love that!
11. I have the gospel in my life and know that wherever we go, the truth is there and there
are kind people ready and willing to help.
12. My ward and their kindness to us. Especially the Relief Society presidency.
13. Tiffany, my neighbor and friend out here in this "peculiar" (not in the good way) state
of North Dakota.
14. For the sunshine today! No rain or snow...I'll take the wind!
15. My AMAZING niece and nephews. They're all so smart and growing up so fast! I feel like I've missed so much of their life living away from everyone. But I'm grateful for pictures and stories about them. I feel like I'm there...in a way. :)
16. My BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER Amber! She is the most amazing gift that I have ever been given. She brings such joy and happiness to my life. I am SOOO GRATEFUL that I can stay home with her and see all her skills improve everyday. She is growing so fast! I love seeing her smile. It can make the coldest day of the year feel warm! I can't wait to see her sitting on the beach playing with the sand and feeling the water. I am sooo excited!!!
Man...there are so many things to be grateful for. I just have to take the time to sit and think about them. I am so excited to come to San Diego in 3 weeks. I can't wait to see all of you. It's the highlight of my year. I love you all sooo much. I hope you know that! Please don't forget that when times get rough. Life is hard! There is no denying that. But, we are a family and are meant to strengthen each other in our times of need. I am here for everyone! You all mean so much to me. Thank you for being my family and putting up with me all these 24 years. :) I love you!!!
Posted by Crys at 10:57 AM 4 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Recent pictures of Amber bamber!!!
So here are a few more pictures of Amber that are pretty recent. Her bottom two teeth are pokin' through the gums finally and if you catch her in a big grin, you can see them! We're doing alright in Nicks absence. We SURE MIS HIM!!! But, know he is busy and are grateful for his safety daily. He is doing well. He really likes his crew that he's flying with. He says they're pretty sharp and that they have quite a bit of fun. I'm so glad for him! Hopefully we'll hear from him this weekend. I love you all and can't wait to see you all in just a few short weeks. I CAN'T WAIT!!! Woohoo...:) :) :) Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. We love you Utahna and pray for you in all our prayers. Stay strong and know you belong here with us all. :) We're not givin' you up that easily!!! Love you!
Love, Crys and Amberpassed out in her swing at nap time ;)
passed out in her bed...gotta love the bum in the air :)
makin' funny faces at Mommy :)
Tiny little tongue:)
My sleepin' angel
REALLY ENJOYING her peaches :)
Our little picnic on the grass
She's proud of Daddy too
Big hugs and kisses for everyone :) :) :) I love it!!!
Posted by Crys at 11:26 AM 3 comments
Our fun weekend!
Hi everyone! As you all know, last weekend I had an awesome surprise. Dori and Michael came out last minute to visit with us and keep us company! It was so much fun. I appreciate Dori so much for making the trip and especially with all the struggles she went through to get here. I KNOW she loves me for sure now! :) Anyway, I wanted to post some pictures of our weekend. On Saturday night, we went to the waterpark and had so much fun! Looking over the pictures I took I realized I didn't get one of Dori, with Amber, Michael or one by herself. I wish I did. But I know Dori did, so I'm not too worried. :) Here are a few of the pictures. They're pretty cute!!!There will be more to come! Love you all!!! :)
Posted by Crys at 8:17 AM 3 comments