Saturday, May 17, 2008


I was thinking, maybe we should celebrate everyone's birthday from Jan. thru Aug. during our Family Reunion. I mentioned it to Utahna and she recommended bringing a cake from Costco up on our 1st night to celebrate, then we'd have something to snack on the rest of the weekend too. I thought that was a great idea. We'd celebrate Cheryl's, Crys', Nick's, Joseph's, Lexi's, Mom's, Garry's, and Chris' Birthday. Then we'd have to get together during the fall or winter and celebrate everyone else's? What do you think? (Jacob is turning 8 this October so maybe for his baptism the first weekend in Nov. We can talk about that later.) Can't wait until July!!! :)


Crys said...

Sounds awesome!!! I can't wait. I sure like the idea of having another get together this year to celebrate everyone elses birthday too. Any reason to visit with my family again, I'm down for!!! Can't wait to see you all. Love you!


Utahna said...

I agree with Crys and Dori. Plus.... having cake all weekend to snack on is a plus!
Love you all!

Mom said...

Count us in! We'll even bring the cake or two - in order to have enough for the whole weekend! We plan to ask for special permission for the weekend in October/November for Jacob's baptism - if we still get to go on our mission in August. If not then, we'll keep the faith & hope for another one when our health has improved. There are plenty of different kinds of missions we are learning. Right now - we have some genealogy names to take care of.

Bushels of love to all!

Mom & Garry