Friday, April 4, 2008

Family reunion!!!

So I figured instead of just responding to your question Utahna, through comments, I would just post it. :) Nicks family reunion is July 4th-11th up in Newport. It's just gonna be Amber and I since Nick is being deployed May 26th. My plan is to fly into San Diego and drive up to Newport for the week. I wanted to come a few days early to see everyone, but I can always come earlier to have as much time with our own family reunion! Right now, it kinda is up to whenever everyone else can come. Amber and I would love to come anytime for as long as possible. My next door neighbor is watching Kodah and Jake for us, so they can stay somewhere they're comfortable and with people they know and like. They love our neighbors, so I feel more comfortable leaving them. So just let me know Dori and Cheryl when is best for you and we can work our schedule around that. I don't have to be with Nicks family for the 4th of July, if we wanted to do something ourselves. Just let me know. I'm so excited!!! Love you guys!



Dori and Dan said...

Hey Crys-

I don't know if you have a preference on doing ours before or after Nick's. I'm not trying to infringe on your time with them. Dan can't get ANY time off in June. The owner and other manager are already going to be gone in June and they politely said not to even ask for any time off then. So July would be better for us. A long weekend would be ideal, I think anyway.

I love the picture of the beach. It's lite and airy, perfect for the season. I loved the lightning though too. This is soooo fun! I AM SO GLAD YOU DID THIS FOR US!!!

Just wondering, does the picture of the beach make you want to go to the beach? It's making me really antsy. :)

Love ya-